Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Science Fair

 week of Feb 10-14

This week would be considered Science appreciation week or science fair. I was extremely excited about my project and my other classmates projects as well. My science project was an ice insulator to see which could keep ice from melting the best. I used foil, Styrofoam, and wax for for my project as insulators. On you're board you were supposed to have your procedure and also take pics as well. It was also really interesting to see one of my classmates project which used cow manure to make fire. It was extremely disgusting and smelled horrible at her project station. The next day we attended an assembly to see who the winners were.Two of my classmates had won ribbons out of the entire middle school. It was just like last year when my class had won 5 ribbons last year. Also we had a most creative award which was won by the younger class at my school. Unfortunately my ice insulator wasn't enough to win a ribbon but i tried my best and that's all that counts. also Open house will be this week on Wednesday which was a short day for the students as well. It is also an extra bonus that we get no homework on Wednesday because of open house as well. Which is really great because students get more relaxation time as well. That also gives us more time to get ahead and finish off other projects from different classes.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Word Cloud My life

This Word Cloud represents my personality and interest. Also it tells you a little bit about myself as well to. It also allows you to choose your font a symbol as well, which is really cool. Such as the word "Christmas" states that Christmas is one of my favorite Holidays. Not only because of the presents but because of the long Christmas Vacation. Another example is sports you can see i named all the sports i love such as basketball, football, and baseball. The word cloud also cloud also shows my love for food, such as burgers and ice cream. The symbol shows a little about myself too such as peace instead of hate. That also shows that I sometimes try to avoid arguments and fights when I see them. Another reason for my word cloud is happiness you always have to try to stay positive which is very hard. It is very hard for someone to describe their personality on one word, so why not make a cool design. So that way people will be more interested in reading it.Or if you were forced too for an assignment in my case, but either way its really cool though. Well I hope you enjoyed this blog post that I created. Don't forget to visit my other post from my blog as well too I would really appreciate it. Also feel free to comment on my blog when ever you want too. And as always have a good day and stay positive.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Super Bowl Predictions

Mlk weekend events Jan 18-20

                    As most of you know over Martin Luther King weekend the AFC and NFC championship were played. For the AFC it was the Patriots vs the Broncos, then the 49ers vs the Sea-hawks. Both were great games but the Seahawks had an interesting ending to the game. With the great defensive play to force an interception by Richard Sherman. As well as his funny post game interview which he gained lots of publicity. For the Broncos vs Patriots the Broncos completely dominated the game with great defense. I also got to see the funny move Ride along with my older brother. Starring Kevin Hart it was an extremely funny movie and entertaining. also in the comments post who you think is going to win. Also if you want you can try to predict the score as well. Remember post your predictions in the comments as well. It will also be pretty interesting to see how the weather turns out. Another interesting topic will be on how you like the commercials in the Super Bowl.  

                                                            Broncos vs Seahawks

Wow that had to have been one of the least interesting Super Bowls I've ever watched. It had started out interesting with the safety by Denver, but it soon went downhill from there. By the time the 3rd quarter had started it was already over. The halftime performance alright but it could've been a lot better. I hope that next years Super bowl will be a lot better.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas Fun

Jan 15,
         If you don’t know who I am my name is Matt. I will be doing a daily blog for the next month or so. Since this is my very first blog I will probably be or most likely talking about my personal life experiences or sports. Man is still really Miss Christmas break but I did still get some good presents such as these. Both of those were my 2 favorite presents.
 Battlefield 4 is Amazing you can ride in almost any vehicles controlling air, sea, and land as well. I've never been able to do this before in any game at all. It was a very fun game to play over Winter break which kept me busy as well. It is also extremely addicting and very fun as well. I also got Call of Duty ghost but i prefer Battlefield 4 more than Call of Duty. But really its your personal opinion. But both games are really fun though. But you if you get either of those games it would be better on the P.C or on a newer Console. Such as the Ps3 or the Xbox one those games would be great on the those consoles. For Call of Duty its better on the PS system than on the Xbox console. Not only are these games better on the newer console but they you can also watch movies, search the web and lots of other cool things. But as long as you can play it its good for me.