Thursday, January 23, 2014

Super Bowl Predictions

Mlk weekend events Jan 18-20

                    As most of you know over Martin Luther King weekend the AFC and NFC championship were played. For the AFC it was the Patriots vs the Broncos, then the 49ers vs the Sea-hawks. Both were great games but the Seahawks had an interesting ending to the game. With the great defensive play to force an interception by Richard Sherman. As well as his funny post game interview which he gained lots of publicity. For the Broncos vs Patriots the Broncos completely dominated the game with great defense. I also got to see the funny move Ride along with my older brother. Starring Kevin Hart it was an extremely funny movie and entertaining. also in the comments post who you think is going to win. Also if you want you can try to predict the score as well. Remember post your predictions in the comments as well. It will also be pretty interesting to see how the weather turns out. Another interesting topic will be on how you like the commercials in the Super Bowl.  

                                                            Broncos vs Seahawks

Wow that had to have been one of the least interesting Super Bowls I've ever watched. It had started out interesting with the safety by Denver, but it soon went downhill from there. By the time the 3rd quarter had started it was already over. The halftime performance alright but it could've been a lot better. I hope that next years Super bowl will be a lot better.


  1. I am not much of a football fan, but I just wanted to comment. Do you have any other predictions about the Super Bowl? You should have more than one. That way you can say "I got it right!" Just guess at least two possibilities.

  2. I don't really follow football, but I think these games would be a bit more interesting because the teams that won would go to the Super Bowl. When the stakes are higher, things are always more dramatic.

  3. I know this comment is published after the super bowl. The super bowl this year wasn't as interesting because the Sea hawks just crushed the Broncos. The performance of the Broncos was very poor.

  4. I don't know much about football, but I do read about it sometimes.. Why did you feel the game was bad? Which team did you support? I heard that the Sea Hawks were much better than the Broncos.

  5. The Seahawks ve 49ers game was really fun to watch, but I agree that the Superbowl was boring. So you saw the Kevin Hart movie? I wanted to see it, myself.
