Thursday, January 30, 2014

Word Cloud My life

This Word Cloud represents my personality and interest. Also it tells you a little bit about myself as well to. It also allows you to choose your font a symbol as well, which is really cool. Such as the word "Christmas" states that Christmas is one of my favorite Holidays. Not only because of the presents but because of the long Christmas Vacation. Another example is sports you can see i named all the sports i love such as basketball, football, and baseball. The word cloud also cloud also shows my love for food, such as burgers and ice cream. The symbol shows a little about myself too such as peace instead of hate. That also shows that I sometimes try to avoid arguments and fights when I see them. Another reason for my word cloud is happiness you always have to try to stay positive which is very hard. It is very hard for someone to describe their personality on one word, so why not make a cool design. So that way people will be more interested in reading it.Or if you were forced too for an assignment in my case, but either way its really cool though. Well I hope you enjoyed this blog post that I created. Don't forget to visit my other post from my blog as well too I would really appreciate it. Also feel free to comment on my blog when ever you want too. And as always have a good day and stay positive.


  1. Cool word cloud! How did you make it?

  2. I see that you are a Lakers fan. My husband has an autographed Bball from the Lakers when Wilt "the stilt" Chamberlain played on the team, among other famous players. The whole team signed the ball for him when he was a boy back in the 1960's. It's worth a lot of money!

  3. The word cloud looks pretty awesome. I like how the words are larger in the middle line. I still do not understand how burgers are relative to your personality. I am looking forward to your forward posts.
